Saturday, May 17, 2008


  • Series A. At Black Hill Regional Park, re-entry drill (Laddie)
  • Series B. At Black Hill, Tool #6, Over-WTL-W/O (Lumi)
  • Sereis C. At Black Hill, re-entry drill (Lumi)
Series A. Today Laddie and I worked on the re-entry drill at the lake at Black Hill Regional Park. In this drill, Laddie either brings the dummy to me from shore into water, or runs with me from shore into water carrying the dummy. Laddie had several successful entries, but nothing approaching an automatic re-entry as in a land-water-land retrieve. He always needed to be called repeatedly with me fairly close to the shoreline, and then he would follow me out into the water. When he did so, he often tried to put his paws on me rather than swim. I am pessimistic that the re-entry will ever be easy for Laddie.

Series B.
Today Lumi and I worked on Tool #6, Over-WTL-W/O of the shore-handling toolkit:

We worked on the tool as follows:
  1. Facing the lake's shoreline with Lumi at heel, I cued Back. Lumi ran out into the water and began to swim.
  2. I called Sit. I didn't use my whistle becausee Gabriel, who is uncomfortable around whistles, was in the vacinity. Lumi turned in the water to face me.
  3. I cued Over visually and verbally. Lumi began to swim in the direction cued. We ran it both ways.
  4. I threw dummy onto curved section of shore in direction Lumi was swimming.
  5. Lumi exited the water picked up the dummy. Meanwhile, I moved to a position so that she could run to me without taking an indirect route around the water.
It appears to me that Lumi has no difficulty with Tool #6.

Series C.
Out of curiosity, I tried the Re-entry Drill with Lumi. To my surprise, Lumi seemed to find it even more difficult than Laddie had. Apparently, at least for Lumi, it's easier for her to re-enter water after a retrieve if I'm waiting on land on the other side, than if I'm waiting in the water. In later correspondence with Alice, she speculated that both dogs may be confused by the sight of me half-submerged in water, and seeing only the top of my body calling them. The fact that Lumi found it so difficult would seem to invalidate the Re-entry drill as a technique for conditioning Laddie to have a positive association with re-entry.

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