Saturday, February 2, 2008

Private Training

Heavy rains prevented us from training outdoors yesterday, but today was sunny and unseasonably warm, temps reaching the lower 50's with little to no wind. Renee and I packed up our three Goldens and drove to Rover's Content, the training facility in Cheltenham where I train with the Lumi and Laddie on Sundays, for a private training session. Gabriel, Renee's Golden, waited in the van during the training session, and had lots of play time before and after.

Lumi and Laddie each ran a total of four series, three from one mulch mound, then one more from a different mulch mound and in the opposite direction. Laddie ran Series A-C first, then Lumi. Then Laddie ran Series D, then Lumi.

The terrain at Rover's Content is rolling hills and valleys, short clumpy cover mixed with strips of high grass. Except for the 35 yard marks, all of today's marks required the dogs to run through several strips of high cover, and some also went through large pools of standing water. Most of the falls were in high cover.

Series A

Poorman triple, then thrown single. The triple:
  1. 35 yards, dead duck, dropped quietly in place
  2. 35 yards, B&W canvas dummy with streamers, dropped quietly in place
  3. 35 yards, dead duck, dropped quietly in place
Wagon wheel configuration:
  • #2 30° to left of #1
  • #3 30° to left of #2
Retrieval sequence: #3-#2-#1.

90 yards, B&W canvas dummy with streamers, thrown after gunshot, 15° to the right of #1 of the triple.
A white bag containing dead birds, open at the top, sat next to the thrower.

Series B

Same as Series A, except that the single was 140 yards and 22° to the right of #1 of the triple. Lumi only ran the single on Series B.

Series C

Same as Series A, except that the single was 220 yards and 30° to the right of #1 of the triple. Lumi only ran the single on Series C.

Series D

Two singles of B&W canvas dummies with streamers thrown after gunshots:
  1. 140 yards
  2. 190 yards, 15° to right of #1
A white bag of dead birds, open at the top, sat at the thrower's position for #1 while each dog ran both singles.

Notes on Laddie's Runs

On Series A thru C, Laddie had difficulty with the wagon wheel, repeatedly starting on line and then veering to a different article. He was 100% responsive to whistle sits and recalls, and twice, when I cued "leave it" and "here" while he was standing over a bird or dummy, he responded correctly and returned to heel without the article.

One time, after veering off several times and being whistled to sit, then come back to me, Laddie ran part way out and stopped without me cueing it, apparently confused whether he was to retrieve or not. That showed me that he was confused about what I wanted rather than trying to act independently from my cueing.

On Series D, the first time Laddie ran #1, he marked well, but on the way back, he stopped at a large pool of standing water to drink and then roll in the water. I walked out to him, put him on leash, and gave the dummy to Renee so she could throw the mark again. The second time we ran #1, Laddie did fine. He also ran #2 without difficulty, and showed no sign of being confused or distracted by the bag of ducks at the pole for #1, which he ran past off to his left.

Notes on Lumi's Runs

Lumi had no difficulty on any of these series, except occasionally finding me from the fall over the tall grass. When she would look confused, I'd whistle and she'd come.

Lumi was so confident on the wagon wheel in Series A that I didn't bother to run her on that part of Series B and C.

On Series D #2, like Laddie, Lumi showed no sign of confusion or distraction from the bag of ducks at the pole for #1.


Lumi seemed to have all the skills needed for today's training, and seems to have recovered her ability to retrieve dead birds, a skill she had developed some months ago but had then lost late in the competitive season. I plan to continue having her retrieve dummies in group training for a few more sessions, but I'm feeling good that she will soon be able to retrieve birds — at least dead birds — with the other dogs. Lumi also seems to be feeling better physically the last week or so than she did for several weeks.

The lessons for Laddie seem more complex:
  • Laddies's problems in going to the wrong marks on #1-#3 on Series A-C might appear to be freelancing, but the fact that he stopped on his own at one point says to me that he was not trying to ignore me, he simply does not have a thorough understanding of lining yet. Next week, we will focus on that skill.
  • Laddie playing in the water on Series D might appear to be a lack of retrieve drive, but the fact that he did not stop when we reran the mark says to me that he in fact has strong retrieve drive. As long as he believed that he could both play and complete the retrieve, he apparently preferred that to simply coming back with the article. But once he learned that stopping to play cost him the opportunity to complete the retrieve, he didn't do it again.
  • Laddie's marking was outstanding.
  • Laddie was 100% responsive to the whistle, for both sits and recalls, the entire day.
  • Laddie was not confused by bird scent coming from the bag sitting with the thrower.
  • Laddie had no difficulty with the divesion of the bird bag sitting alone at the #1 pole on Series D while running #2.
  • Laddie had no difficulty picking up dummies in the presence of duck scent.
  • Laddie picked up each dummy and each dead duck promptly and immediately returned toward the start line. While he did show some reluctance to complete the return with the ducks, he was completely responsive to verbal cueing to do so.
  • In summary, Laddie has made visible progress in the areas that we have focused on the last two weeks. Although he had some incorrect responses in today's series — poor lining, mild resource guarding of the birds, stopping to play in the water on one return — he seems to have the foundation of responsiveness to whistle sits and recalls, combined with a strong drive to retrieve, needed to work on solutions to each of those problems.

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