Thursday, January 31, 2008

Private Training

In the previous three training sessions, we gradually raised criteria in the alternation drill. Today we trained at a neighborhood ballfield and took a breather, relaxing criteria instead of raising them. We shortened the distance of the long mark to 170 yards, used no birds or bird scent, and fired no pistol. We were forced into these conditions by logistic constraints, but in my estimation, no harm comes from a session of easy successes, and learning may even improve by including such sessions occasionally.

Each dog ran two series back to back, and except for where son Eric was standing to throw the long mark, the two series were identical:
  • With dog in a sit at the start line, and Eric visible out in the field, I walked out at an angle and threw a hard white dummy. Then I walked back to the dog and sent him/her to the dummy I'd just thrown. The first two throws of the day, I used an auto-whistle when the dog picked up the dummy. Aside from that, I didn't whistle all day.
  • When the dog delivered the first dummy, I walked out at a different angle and threw it again, then walked back and sent the dog to that one. This gave the dog two short poorman marks of about 40 yards.
  • Then I waved to Eric to throw a B&W canvas dummy with streamers, calling out "hey-hey" in lieu of firing a pistol. When the dog brought that dummy back, I had the hard dummy waiting for a string of reinforcers: a couple of happy dummies, a game of tug, and a small bite of string cheese. The reason for not using the canvas dummy is that we don't play tug with the canvas dummy.
Given this set up, each dog had a total of six retrieves today, four 40 yarders and two at 170 yards.

Both dogs performed flawlessly and seemed to have a great time.

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