Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Private Training

Today was our third practice with the alternation drill. To review briefly, the alternation drill consists of bouncing the dog back and forth between two kinds of retrieves:
  • A wagon wheel, mixing birds and dummies at short distances, in which the handler is able to maintain complete control because of the close proximity
  • A long, exciting retrieve of dummies in the presence of bird scent
The idea of the alternation drill is to use the wagon wheel to shape the correct retrieval pattern — devoid of hesitation, shopping, parading, and so forth — no matter what kind of article the dog finds at the fall, and then to immediately utilize that pattern to practice and highly reinforce a long mark of a dummy in the presence of duck scent, preparing the dog for that kind of mark in group training.

Today, we added two new components to the alternation drill. First, instead of working solo, our training partner Barbara was present to throw the long marks, and second, we used a whistle sit for any lining errors on the wagon wheel before calling the dog back, rather than calling the dog back immediately with a recall whistle.

Interspersed with two series of marks for Deuce, Barbara's yellow Lab, the training sequence for Lumi and Laddie was:
  • Alternation drill containing three series for Lumi
  • Alternation drill containing three series for Laddie
  • A long mark for Lumi
  • A long mark for Laddie
Details follow.


Series A. A poorman triple followed by Barbara throwing a single.

The triple:
  1. 30 yards, dead pigeon
  2. 30 yards, B&W canvas dummy with streamers
  3. 30 yards, dead pigeon
Marks quietly placed while the dog waits at start line. Marks placed and retrieved right to left. Marks separated by 30°.

The single: 70 yards, B&W canvas dummy with streamers, 30° to the left of #3 of the wagon wheel. Thrown on high arc after gunshot. When dog returns, excited laughter and praise, two happy dummies, a game of tug, and several bites of high value food.

I used an auto-whistle on all retrieves in Series A.

Performance: Lumi performed this series flawlessly.

Series B. Identical to Series A except that the mark was further to the left and a distance of 120 yards, and I did not use an auto-whistle on any of the retrieves in Series B, and no whistle was needed.

Performance: Lumi ran this series flawlessly, with one exception:
In the wagon wheel, Lumi tried three times to swerve from #2 (the dummy) back to the line for #1 (the old fall of the pigeon already picked up). Each time, I whistled a sit, then a recall, and each time she responded instantly. The fourth time I sent her to #2, she kept her line and retrieved the dummy with great enthusiasm. When she returned for the delivery, I quickly sent her back out to the pigeon at #3.
Series C. Identical to Series B, except that the mark was still further to the left and a distance of 170 yards. Again, I did not auto-whistle and no whistle was needed.

Performance: Lumi ran this series flawlessly, taking the correct line the first time on every mark.


Laddie ran the identical set-ups to what was described for Lumi above.

Series A. Laddie's performance was excellent, except for much head throwing and a slight reluctance to come to heel with the two pigeons. He was, however, completely responsive to both whistle recall at the pick-up and "give it" when he slowed on his return.

Series B. Laddie's performance was again generally excellent, but his returns with the birds and the long mark were not automatic, and the head throwing and hesitant delivery with the birds continued. He responded instantly to a recall whistle on every mark.

Like Lumi in her Series B, during the wagon wheel, Laddie also tried to swerve from #2 to the old fall at #1, and like Lumi responded instantly to both the whistle sit and the whistle recall. Unlike Lumi, he only tried it once, and the second time I sent him to #2, he held his line and completed a lovely retrieve.

Series C. Based on Series B, I used an auto-whistle for every retrieve. Except for the head throwing and hesitant delivery with the pigeons, Laddie's performance was excellent on this series.


This was a 240 yard single with a B&W canvas dummy with streamers, thrown after a gunshot.

The first time I Lumi ran this, I had inadvertenly left our training gear, including Deuce's much-chewed Dokken, on the exact line of the mark. As Lumi ran on the correct line, she spotted the Dokken, picked it up, and then continued to run toward the fall. I whistled recall and she immediately turned back toward me. I praised her well for her performance, since this had the unintended appearance of an inline double, and I was pleased that she had picked up the short mark first.

I then moved the training gear and ran Lumi again. This time, she ran the long mark to perfection. No whistle was needed.


Laddie ran the same long mark as Lumi, minus the training gear, and ran it with his usual all-out speed and determination. After we started the mark, a pair of hikers passed the start line and by the time Laddie was returning, they had walked between Laddie and me. Twice Laddie swerved toward them, and each time I whistled recall and he instantly got back on line toward me.


I didn't use a slip cord at the start line for either dog, and both dogs were steady on every mark.

Lumi had a great day, responding nicely to every whistle, marking with her usual accuracy, and displaying no hint of resource guarding the pigeons. Every retrieve was carried out at a gallop, and Lumi's demeanor was uniformly engaged, cheerful, and enthusiastic. It is so nice to see her healthy again.

I was pleasantly surprised by Laddie's responsiveness on the whistle sit and how quickly he quit trying to swerve to wrong fall on the wagon wheel of Series B. His resource guarding behaviors with the pigeons were not satisfactory, but aside from that, Laddie's performance was terrific.

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