Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Laddie Test 1.4 (pass)

Test: Three singles:

  1. 60 yards (dummy)
  2. 180 yards (dummy)
  3. 120 yards (dummy)
Low cover (lawn), with long mark falling in a patch of high grass over a rise, so that dog could not see the mark while running to it, and could not see the start line from the fall

Wind 20 MPH (variable direction), temperature 35°F (dogs seemed energized), bright sunlight

Location: Black Hill Regional Park


Blind: 90 yards

Notes: Laddie ran this series twice, once before Lumi, then again after. Renee threw the marks for the first test, while we ran poor man marks for the second one. The first time, Laddie ran toward me after he picked up dummy #2, but then spun around about halfway back and ran back toward the fall. Renee thought that Laddie was having trouble seeing me in the glare, so I put on a white jacket for Laddie's second test. Laddie may have also been confused by not being able to see me when he first picked up the dummy on #2.

The second time Laddie ran the test, he did great, picking up every mark uncued and without hesitation, then immediately spinning around and running back.

Laddie also ran the target blind in both tests. The first time, instead of having Laddie run the whole course immediately, I had him run first from pole #3 to #4, then from #2 to #3 and then #4, and finally the whole course. The second time, I just had him run the whole course. His casts are not yet accurate: He spins around and starts running generally away from me, then looks for the next pole to run to.
But these days he is instantly responsive on his whistle sits, waits in his sit until cued rather than auto-casting, knows the difference between "back" and "here", and is full of energy at all times. He's a joy to watch.

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