Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Laddie Test 1.2 (pass)

Test: Three singles:
  1. 30 yards (dummy)
  2. 100 yards (dummy)
  3. 80 yards (dummy)
Woodland setting

Location: Trail off Brink Road


Blind: N/A

Notes: The long mark required the dog to run along a path for 40 yards, then slice into thick, woodsy cover as the path angled 20° to the right. Remainder of the mark, including the fall, was in the undergrowth. Laddie and I practiced first with the last 20 yards, then the last 40 yards, then the last 60 yards of the long mark. Then we ran the test and Laddie did great. He ran with high speed and unbridled enthusiasm as always, and made no attempt to cheat either direction on any of the marks.

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