Saturday, May 3, 2008

Hunt Test: Labrador Retriever Club of the Potomac

This morning, we made an early start and spent a few minutes at the neighborhood lacrosse field with me throwing a duck for Lumi, then Laddie. Lumi was too slow on her first pick-up, so I came out and took the duck away from her. Then I made several more throws, and she did great. Laddie did fine on all of his throws from first to last.

When we were done, we went to Cheltenham for Lumi's Junior Hunt Test given by the Labrador Retriever Club of the Potomac. I gave Laddie a couple of walks, and while waiting to run Lumi in the water series, I worked on "no bird" with him off to the side of the flyer Gun. Aside from that, Laddie spent the entire time in the van.

I think Laddie could have passed today's test, but my focus with Laddie is on Field Trials, not Hunt Tests. If he gets to the point where I have high confidence in his ability to run a Hunt Test at a particular level, I may run him, but otherwise, I don't plan to have Laddie compete until he's ready to try a Derby or Qualifying stake.

Every Junior-level Hunt Test I've been to, including today's, was made up of two series:

  • Series A. Land series
  • Series B. Water series
Today's was unusual in my experience in that the judges called for a flyer to be shot in both series.

Series A was neither the hardest nor the easiest I've seen, with a pass rate of about 75%. Series B was made up of two open water retrieves, and as easy as any I've seen, with a pass rate of 100%.

Lumi, who's been training for about a year on the same set-ups as Senior and Master dogs in group training, had no difficulty with today's Junior series. She had pinpoint marks as well as high quality returns and deliveries. I learned later that the judges had given her scores of all 10s.

I used a loose slipcord with Lumi on all four marks, because I didn't want to assume she would be steady, and then have her break and be disqualified. But the cord was unnecessary. Lumi was steady as a rock on every throw.

When the test was over, Lumi received an orange ribbon, completing ¾ths of the qualifying scores needed for her Junior Hunter title. When we got home, I entered her in another Hunt Test next Saturday, and we'll see how we do then.

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